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From dreams to code

Benjamin's photo


Robotics Platform Software Engineer, Philippines

Building skills and gaining confidence

Fresh out of school, I was interested in coding for work. Specifically, I wanted to work on user interfaces (UI), which refers to what people see on their screens and how they interact with them. Luckily, Dyson was offering a role for the kind of work I wanted to do, created specifically for a fresh graduate.

The work we do here was a lot to take in at first, especially since coding was not what I studied back in college. Thankfully, the people in my team are very nurturing, and have helped me to grow into an expert in UI. Through Dyson, I’ve learned so much about software engineering -from writing readable and maintainable code to finding ways to conserve memory and be efficient.

I’ve grown a lot in my two years at Dyson. Along with the technical knowledge, the graduate programme has provided us training for soft skills such as how we communicate and work with each other. These learning and development modules have been extremely beneficial for me, and I know I will continue to tap into these skills throughout my career. I am grateful for the supportive environment here in the Dyson software team, and I know that it will continue to be a great platform for me to grow as a software engineer. Now that we've accomplished most of our UI work on the current project, I'm diving deeper into the other parts of the robot's systems, such as its connectivity (how it communicates with the mobile app and the cloud) and its behaviours (how it interacts with the environment it is cleaning). I'm finding that I really enjoy doing these types of work too.

I look forward to growing as a robotics software engineer. Let’s see what the future holds.

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