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Crafting experiences for my team and customers



Store Manager, United States

Bringing 4E’s to life: Expertise, Engagement, Education and Experiences

After working in various high-end retail companies, I was really excited to join Dyson back in 2017.

Every single day at work is dedicated to creating amazing in-store experiences. We ensure that every interaction reflects Dyson's core values, bringing our 4 E’s to life; Expertise, Engagement, Education and Experiences.

What gives me the most satisfaction in my role is witnessing the competitive spirit of our New York City team. They are driven by results and seeing them celebrate each other's wins and seizing opportunities for growth is incredibly fulfilling.

To me, Dyson's mantra is a reminder to always aim higher, push boundaries and redefine what is possible. And here's the secret sauce of our success: We don't just solve problems; we conquer them with a smile. I have created our very own culture committee in our store, where team members nominate each other for celebrations, identify education needs and engage in role-playing activities. This has not only boosted morale and teamwork within our team, but it also showcases our ability to tackle challenges creatively.

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