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Energy Storage (Batteries)

Dyson’s interest in researching and developing energy storage technologies started more than a decade ago, when it became apparent that the full potential of our Dyson Digital Motors was starting to be held back by commercially available batteries. Fast-forward to 2022, and we now have hundreds of scientists and engineers working on battery R&D across our labs in the UK, US and Singapore. Dyson is aiming to double our portfolio of products and enter entirely new fields by 2025 – taking us beyond the home.

Future ambition

A key focus is the commercialisation of our proprietary solid state battery technology which will deliver safer, cleaner, longer-lasting and more efficient energy storage than today’s existing batteries. With multiple generations of Dyson battery technologies ranging from early research through to the industrialisation phase, Dyson are recruiting a wide range of roles within their UK lab to accelerate progress. These roles include materials scientists, electrochemists, cell design engineers, cell test technicians, cell assembly technicians, mechanical design engineers, manufacturing process development engineers and manufacturing technologists.

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Design Engineer, NPI, Malmesbury, UK

Exploring new product innovation.

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